when did u last cry in front of somebody?

2017. photoshopped image, taken from open-source public webcam

when did u last cry in front of somebody?

2017. photoshopped image, taken from open-source public webcam

art is not dead because i have not lived in it yet

2015. poster, installation/happening, & photograph. poster left up in public until it was taken by either a passerby or the authorities. ultimate subject of outcome unknown

art is not dead because i have not lived in it yet

2015. poster, installation/happening, & photograph. poster left up in public until it was taken by either a passerby or the authorities. ultimate subject of outcome unknown

paintings are just posh cartoons

2017. painted banner on bed sheet, installation, & photograph. image taken whilst draped over a tv screen in my family home (tv hidden for intellectual ambiguity)

paintings are just posh cartoons

2017. painted banner on bed sheet, installation, & photograph. image taken whilst draped over a tv screen in my family home (tv hidden for intellectual ambiguity)

Hira indigo wilde Josie

i share spaces. i try my best to keep those spaces away from capitalist hands. i am totally into art which doesn’t (can’t, won’t) take a walk round the gallery. i do art about feelings and about radical politics and about feeling politics radically. i do it alongside radical people in feeling places and in political places and for me, galleries tend to be neither. so i do it in the dark and in my bed. i do it on my arm and on the net. hobbies include explaining. hobbies don’t include the in-crowd. i use big colourful words in my art because i grew up thinking i didn’t have a space to speak on the art stage. now i shout. this is to the point: bless this mess, are u ok, i’m scared, i’m using crayons, i love you. talk to me and take your hands from off your ears: it's less scary for all of us when we shout together