
Digital photography, April 2016


Digital photography, April 2016


Paper, marker pen, 44cm X 31.5cm, February 2016


Paper, marker pen, 44cm X 31.5cm, February 2016

Self-Portrait with Black Box

Digital photography, November 2015

Self-Portrait with Black Box

Digital photography, November 2015

Ecology Trail #4

Mixed media installation, February 2017

Ecology Trail #4

Mixed media installation, February 2017

Lynus Margaret Chung Maya

Everything is connected. I am in a constant search for heterogeneous connections between fragments. Working consciously and subconsciously, I draw inspirations from my life experiences and everyday observations, channelling emotional responses towards topics and events that concern me into something more tangible and visual.

In the past, I explored sexuality and the entering of adulthood, the cultural differences that I experience daily in Hong Kong and the UK, and my interest in the politics, social phenomena and education system in Hong Kong. I project my identity into multiple disciplines such as drawings, objects, photographs, videos, installations as well as performances. Despite the humorous and almost child-like representation, my work amplifies my obsession, fear, frustration and struggles.