
2017, etching with tissue paper


2017, etching with tissue paper

Untitled drawing

Ink on paper, 2016

Untitled drawing

Ink on paper, 2016

Untitled drawing

Ink on paper, 2016

Untitled drawing

Ink on paper, 2016

Count (detail)

In drawing on photographic print on acetate, 2016

Count (detail)

In drawing on photographic print on acetate, 2016


Etching and drawing on paper, tissue paper, perspex layers, 2017


Etching and drawing on paper, tissue paper, perspex layers, 2017

Josie Louise Tidmarsh Lynus

From high up you can see the sun passing through the grey in patches, catching on the land. Over time these patches might catch up with where you’re standing. Their movements to me are similar to how I approach processes like printmaking, using it both to resolve imagery and to allow for lacks or for emergence to occur.

I like to create work mainly in print or through drawing and installation, approaching the idea of surface and transfer. Each image is conscious of what lies outside of itself and is partly determined by its lacks. Points of departure, like flight and sleep, and relations to a sense of place as encouraged by different vantages and scales, interests me. The patches catching up are how I’d like my work to be.